‘Waiting for the First Snow’
24 x 36 inches, acrylic and pastel on polymer surface
2021, by Leah Cupino
I could paint abstractly all day, but I often find trees an anchor. They are scratchy, stubborn, graceful and poignant, reaching in quietly measured increments in every direction. They hold me in place, remind me that I’m part of the earth, and to give back from the place where I take.
The pieces below correspond with a specific Latitude/Longitude on our earth. They’re composed of acrylic, pastel and ink on either canvas or polymer film, and average in three sizes (36x24, 48x24, and as large as 36 high by as wide as 72 inches). A few from the collection below are available and on display at the artist’s studio, Omertà Arts, and Helena Home Team galleries in Helena, Montana;
Read more about Leah’s take on trees in this interview. A limited number of commissions each year are also considered by the artist. Inquire for more information.